
An Itchy Ode

The Da Vinci Code movie is now showing and there's been a lot of fuzz about it. Many people said, it was far from the way stuff were depicted from the book. Some said the book was badly written. Me? I don't know. I don't know what the fuzz is all about. I don't even want to watch it because I haven't read the book (my personal rule of thumb). I don't want to read the book because it's too mainstream. That's why I haven't seen Lord of Pranings, Horny Peter and The Miracles of Darna. I'd like to see more organized crime movies like The Italian Job, Ocean's Eleven, Twelve and Fifteen. That reminds me of SSN by Tom Clancy. It was so boring! It was so repetitive. They encouter an enemy submarine, shoot a torpedo get shot back, panics, gets away and encounter another submarine a day or two later. It was bragging about American power and superiority over Russia and China. Anyway, my uncle had an interview at CNN the other day and on CNBC yesterday about how the Opus Dei was portrayed in the film. I also noticed how superior CNN's content is compared to CNBC.

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At 6/01/2006 11:16:00 AM, Blogger Kiat~Kiat said...

I didn't know that your uncle was Opus Dei! waw..nice input from him..I hope he can visit our campus again some time in the future ^^

At 6/03/2006 03:01:00 PM, Blogger JP Loh said...

I didn't even know that he was VP of Opus Dei in HK!


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