
Some things are cool, while some are not. Which are they?

I. Spot the difference II. I eat babies for lunch III. Old School I. Spot the difference Exhibit A: My sister's reciept for enrollment for the term where she took her practicum. This was paid in full amount. Portions of the image tampered for privacy purposes only. Exhibit B: My assessment form for the coming term where I'll be taking my practicum. Same number of hours as my sister's and she took her practicum in a company with a facility in LTI. If you haven't noticed, we're going to pay almost three times the amount they charge in DLSU. The reason: nobody knows. I asked our acting dean and I didn't get a straight answer. I asked the registrar but I was told to ask the acting dean. I asked a couple of my professors, they didn't know either. I don't know what's so special in DLS-C that they could charge us that amount even if DLS-C is in a location where the cost of living is lower than that of DLSU and that the quality of the facilities are not as good as in DLSU. We have a corny comedian in school and I want the balls/tits of the person responsible to be stapled on his/her forehead. * Click on the images for higher resolution II. I eat babies for lunch Although I do not encourage hacking, defacing or vandalism, Some dude did a funny prank. Like the comment I made in this guy's "extensive" investigation, I want one of those scrolling LED sign boards in my room with a synonymous message, "I eat babies for lunch". They think, some guy named Joshua did it. III. Old School Eric found this while we were looking for something else. It's so funny when you find other interesting things while you dig through a pile of stuff. This is from my fourth grade. I could still recognize a lot of faces. Some of the names that I could still remember:

  • Carlo[?] Valerio, red shirt on the left (he always had a "Good Morning" towel on his shoulder)
  • Renee Bulgar[?], blue shirt on the left
  • Paolo Mabasa, black shirt, third person to the right of Renee (with glasses)
  • Suzanne Gardiola above Paolo M.
  • Christian Garcia above Suzanne
  • Ziggy Hagamman, to the right of Suzanne with both arms raised
  • If I'm not mistaken, it's Lim (forgot his first name) with the mask
  • Mark Gianan, second to the right (peeking)
  • Patrick Mayo below our adviser (the lady in black)
  • April Reyes is below Mayo
Half of the remaining faces are familiar but I can't pick up their names.

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